I am the Political Science Board of Visitors Early Career Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science at Pennsylvania State University and a Global Fellow at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). My research is motivated by a desire to better understand and contribute to the prevention of violent conflict and the violation of human rights. I do this through assessing the intersection of violent behavior, political institutions, and political participation.

My current work focuses on transitional justice adopted both during and after armed conflict. I study the ways that justice processes can be used for good or for evil through political consolidation, political exclusion, social reconciliation, and narrative construction by both governments and rebel groups.

I have looked at these issues through field work in East Africa, primarily Rwanda and Uganda, as well as Mozambique, Northern Ireland, Turkey, and Nepal. I am also the co-creator of the Post-Conflict (PCJ) and During-Conflict Justice (DCJ) Datasets.

Developing ethical best practices for reserach on armed conflict is central to my work. I focus my attention on reserach-related trauma for scholars and in-country research team members.

Through a new project on alternative forms of governance and climate change, I engage questions of contested soverignty and rule-making in times of crisis. Our current work is focused on contested governance in Mozambique.

Kathleen Cunningham and I co-convene the Rebel Governance Network. Join us!